Tuesday, May 31, 2011

10 on Tuesday

I have seen this around I can pretty much guarnatee I won't be doing this regularly but today.. why not.

1. tomorrow we go to Edmonton for a very quick trip to see a concert that I am sure will be epic. U2

2. I am the YW's president - have been for a few months now, and I do love it, I still feel like sometimes I am completly scrambling and fumbling and wishing someone would just tell me what to do. The young women are great!

3. On that note YW camp is on the mind, I do know it will all come together and be so so fun, it stresses me out just thinking about it. (that is my problem, i think about it & not do something about it)-p.s it is a stake camp which should make it practically stress free right?

4. I am so completley spoiled I had the most fabulous girls weekend trip down to Arizona, it was seriously so fun and relaxing, and hello like 15 girls!

5. Hello golf season, goodbye husband ha ha joking. I love it and hate it. Great that my husband has a passion for something, not love it because it takes a good 4 hours to do and me the non golfer can think of a bazillion other things to do on a nice summer day. But, so far I am being awesome & I tell him to go and enjoy guilt free.

6. Can someone make supper tonight and repeat for like a month?

7. I know I am not alone on this one, but seriously supper is so painful with Sadie. We (and by we I mean mostly me and Ryan when he is home) are really trying to stick to our guns and make her eat her supper and be happy about it. So far she has sat at the table for a record of nearly 2 hours before it was all gone. This would be great if next month I knew that this eating fiasco was in the past, but I know better. Vegetables oh vegetables don't even get me started.
Oh and I could write a novel on the games we play to get her to eat, I"m not saying it's the way to do it, but we do it.

8. Thankful. yes I have lots to be thankful for, family that will watch my kids and entertain them and give me a break, while my husband is in AZ and I'm seriously under the weather. even my preggo sis gave me a break. Friends who invite my kids to play and my kids just love them for it as do I. Lucky me.

9. I am getting tired & I have to post this on Tuesday

10. Love this weather just loving it. we go to the park, we are outside. I love after supper park trips and then rush home & get them to bed. Hannah loves to be outside and cries if she can't get out as fast as Sadie, and is still scooting around scraping up her knees while she crawls around.


Lauren Andersen said...

suzie, i hope you have a great time at U2. i just saw them in slc. it was amazing!!

Alysha Sladek said...

U2???? SOOOOO LUCKY!!! HAVE FUN!! ugh golf season. don't get me started! haha

whitney said...

I gave up on veggies with Roman. It isn't worth the fight. He drinks smoothies almost everyday with spinach in them. Or carrot juice, beet juice. Whatever we have.

CGibb said...

I know you probably don't need ANOTHER game to get her to eat, but I have to share this one. Some friends of ours bring a die to each meal. Then they let their toddler roll and whatever he rolls, he has to eat that many bites. Goes for eat item on the plate. I haven't tried it yet, but it works for them. Good luck!

LindsayB said...

what? you guys don't have vegetable parties? that pic of james and sadie is so cute! sure i took your kid but you took mine too! see ya soon.

Jaime said...

I seriously dread meal times. Its not that my kids are picky (well, Cache is, but getting better), its getting them to sit still long enough to actually eat! It can't last forever right?
Have so much at U2!

H and E said...

Love this post!!! You are one busy lady but at least you have some fun in there. Jealous of U2 and Arizona....my sister is the same way with golf season, it takes so dang long. Luckily Hank isn't a huge golfer!

Brooke said...

Was it really a quick trip to Edmonton? Thanks for the good times. Great concert.

Jacklyn said...

When I used to go to stake camp with the girls I would always get them to have fun with a roaring game of big bootie around the fire. Also if you find random things to cook over a fire they like that. And your girls are so cute!

Jacklyn said...

And I am on year 5 of the food game...good luck

Jessica said...

my picky eater is 7 now and it is still hard but getting better there is hope. Every once in a while he adds something to his foods he likes( which is a very short list) and I celebrate because it is one less thing that I have to fight him on! Good luck!

Em and Tom said...

Yay!!!!!! I'm so excited for you! I need your # again. Why don't you facebook it too me.