I don't know what it is, but life just feels a bit crazy. ok maybe it is the fact that Ryans car pretty much died, I have a new baby, we had to go back to the hospital, we hardly leave the house, 3 kids outnumbers me big time. So it will be nice that in a day or 2 we go to visit our families and hopefully just enjoy time together and relaxing. My head is everywhere right now, so a quick update of a bit of our lives lately.
Merry Christmas
the perfect photo right?
Infact Hannahs favorite thing to do is find Talias soother and give it to her.
The only good thing when Talia went back in the hospital, my mom came up for a bit. Thank YOU!!
Just having a moment here. I left Talia here and went to get the door, and came back to this... both girls reading her a story and I think Sadie is multi tasking and trying to keep a soother in too.
Somehow we have still managed to do a few crafts. Here they are making snowmen.
Ryan reading a Christmas story with the girls. It is Elf Magic. Our Elf Sally is back for a visit from the North Pole, she has done some crazy pranks and sometimes leaves a suprise too. They are both loving her (okay and maybe even fighting over her at times)
I really don't even want to talk about the fact that Talia is already 1 month old

Ryan asked if I was doing Christmas cards... ha I laughed yeah right, not my year. THis is the best family photo we have right now. Even though I could point out more than a few imperfections I pretty much love it.

Although, this little jem from Sadie is a close second.