Tuesday, January 24, 2012

here goes

Where to begin? Our Christmas was great. we were down in Raymond and Taber with our families. The girls had fun keeping busy with kids and toys and just being with everyone, and so did we. Christmas was definitely magical this year. Sadie and even Hannah got excited about so many little things. Visits from our elf, making gingerbread, counting down the days, Santa, singing and all the rest.

Aren't big sisters the best. These girls are all so excited and 'helpful' with the babies.

The 3 newest editions Talia, Sage and Oliver. they are each a month apart, how fun hey. So good to see the other babes and I loved that Talia looked like a newborn again.

My dad & I are always keeping up on Talias weight. So of course we did a weigh in, and she is not the only one that gained some Christmas weight.

We were home for a few days Ryan went to the world jr. hockey games. Then we headed to Palm Springs for a family vacation. It was a lot of fun, semi relaxing, but that was expected with 3 little kids. We did get lots of sun and fun. Sadie loved playing in the pool with Kyla and she wore her self out daily and was pretty much asking to go to bed. What? that was awesome.
We couldn't resist being so close to Disneyland and not going. So we woke up early and took the kids there. It was so funny to suprise them. We told Sadie we were giving her a suprise, guess what she thought it was, a treat, she thought we were going to get a 5 cent treat. Dang we really outdid ourselves hey.

The girls loved running around toon town

This was the Winnie the Pooh ride. Sadie was beyond excited because she had just went on the Jungle Cruise and Pirates. We really realized how sweet, and innocent and happy Sadie is. She does not like anything scary, and her definiton of scary covers a lot of things.

Talia and I on Small World

A highlight for Sadie was meeting minnie and mickey a couple of times. and the princesses too

It was a lot of fun to take the kids. I went a few times as a kid and it was fun to see some of the things that had not changed and were still awesome. Ryan & I even snuck in a ride on Space Mountain. Thanks to the Ehlerts they were the best hosts gave Sadie a swimming, dancing, play buddy, Ryan a golf partner, awesome rook competion, our Disney guides, even babysitting one night. Sheesh we were so lucky. thank you!

We did actually come home a couple days earlier than planned. Talia got really sick, and we took her to ER down there. We just felt better coming home incase it got any worse. boo for sick babies. Its just a little scary being in another country with a small baby and she had already been in the hospital. so home we came. Seriously I have to remember what a lot of work it was at times on this trip but is was a lot of fun. THe kids travelled so great, even with hannah's puking incident on the plane ride home. Ryan was seriously such a great dad and a sport (he was the one that got puked on). Couldn't have nor wouldn't have wanted to do it without him. Disneyland was actually pretty busy and crowded, but our kids were great (yes I'm bragging) come on no meltdowns from an 18 month and 4 year old, and yes our 2 month old too. We packed a lot into the 2 days we were there. I think Ryan & I got to be pretty good at just going with whatever or whatever was best for the kids.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

2 month Tali

Can you believe 2 months today! This little girl is such a joy in our family. She has been a lot of work for me, but always worth it.

Ask me what the hardest thing with 3 kids is.... for us it has been keeping her healthy. Sheesh. I'm sure its my own kids that have caused her to get sick sick sick. We try to stay home, usually thats the easy part. You will rarely see me out with 3 kids. We quarantine ourselves but then sometimes life and fun happen and we can't pass it up. So we get crazy and we take her on holidays with us and of course she gets sick and we get worried, because she is so little and fragile. Oh I'll just stay home and snuggle her for another month or so.

All things considered she is doing awesome, she did come a month early after all. She has gained weight like no babies business. She continues to woo me and my dad (who is always checking up on her) with her amazing weight gain. She is up over 9lbs now. which is bittersweet right. Unfortunately she has frequented the hospital and Dr. offices more in her first 2months then I care for, including while on holidays (slightly scary, no really scary for me) Her grunting and squeaking continue to add to the noise in our house, she has enough hair for a clip, she is looking less jaundice and more perfect baby skin, (she did have a bad case of baby zits) she is smothered by Sadie daily. She is told by Hannah when to be picked up or put down by me (all down with no words) I guess I have more to say about her than I thought. Mostly we just love her.