Wednesday, October 17, 2012

fancy a five year old

Wow. what shes 5!  I guess I'm ok with it.. bit it is a whole entire hand.  Anyways Sadie had a fabulous birthday.  She had a Fancy nancy party with her friends, and it was so cute, and so fun and she so loved it and it was pretty easy.  I would happily do it again if I had a girl that wanted too.  
 I even got in a fancy dress to teach them to be fancy and boy did I feel fancy.  The girls I thought I was sooo pretty, like a princess and so very fancy.  They all thought the looked so pretty, when each friend arrived they all checked each other out and complimented each other on their fancy ensembles.
 We had some fancy snacks and made sure to eat and drink with our pinkies out.  They LOVED it.
 We practiced walking fancy, balancing bananas on our heads just like fancy nancy.

 The girls all trying very hard to do a kissy face picture.
 Simone was here for the party and she helped do some nails, make up and even some pink in their hair.  oh la la.

 All the girls got a chance to walk down the runway for the all the moms at the end.  Let me tell ya these girls are all naturals.  They loved strutting their stuff down and posing.
 Sadie got a cupcake maker and apron for her birthday so the delicious cupcakes were made iced and decorated by the birthday girl.
What a fun birthday party for a sweet 5 year old.
On her birthday she felt bigger as soon as she woke up. and she loves being 5.  LOve our Sadie girl.


Alysha Sladek said...

FABULOUS!!! Looks like a great party. and where on earth did you find that dress????

whitney said...

I am dying at your dress! Awesome!

Jaime said...

Adorable! Love that dress!

lynz said...

oh to have a girl! such a fun little fancy party, and she is so stinkin cute :)

Stephanie said...

Such a cute party! I'll have to remember these ideas for my girls, but I am not sure I could pull off that fancy dress like you! I love it! But seriously, I can't believe Sadie is 5! Time flies, I guess!

Lauren Andersen said...

NICE JOB on that party suzie! you are super mom wearing that fancy dress with all the little girls! best mom award!

Just Rhonda said...

Okay that is so awesome - the dress. HA! You are the best. :) Looks like a fun party!!