Friday, August 15, 2008

rough go

Not many words for this picture. I guess I'm "that" mom I leave my kid for 2 seconds & she suddenly decides to cruise across the room and of course finds the diaper cream and proceeds to cover mostly her face & by the looks of it I'm pretty sure she had to taste it too. ugghh so it was to the tub for some serious scrubbing.

I look at this picture and still think shes cute. And of course I hope you get a laugh from this, as even I did.

her next big story was ughh again rough for the both of us. She had an allergic reaction to something really wish I could figure out what it was so I can avoid this for the future. Anyway I was glad we were in Raymond for a few reasons 1. Ryan was out in Toronto for the week, would not be fun alone. 2. Going to the hospital in a small town is WAY better than I'm sure it would be here. 3. She was under pretty good care with Grandpa-Dr. Steed checking up on her all the time.
It all started in the morning with a few spots and she got some Benadryl which she didn't react well too, so by 11:00 that night she had woke up and it was BAD and she was MAD so we took her up and she got a different antihistamine which worked out for a better sleep. Have I ever mentioned this girl does not sleep and she has only gotten worse. I have yet to sleep 5 continous hours of sleep since she was born. Lately she has been on a streak of waking every hour. This antihistamine knocked her out and she only woke up every 2 hours 2:30 and 4:30 and then she is up at 6:30. ok so enough of our ever lacking sleep schedule that we are seriously working on.
She is totally fine now and we are all back home again

This is the only pic I took of our fun times down there. We had so much fun with Grandma showing us such a good time trips to Waterton, Lethbridge, parks, and all the backyard fun. AND Lindsay and her kids are always a good time Sadie liked having other kids most of the time as long as someone was there to fend for her. But even though James & Alli would tease or take a toy from her they always gave her hugs and kisses too.


Jessica said...

I love the picture with the diaper cream, seriously so cute. I can totally empathize with you on the no sleeping Bryton was like that she didn't sleep through the night until I quit breastfeeding her, she still doesn't seem to need much sleep but at least now she sleeps all night...

Susie said...

by the looks of her face i think you turned you head for more than 2 seconds! who's the ratty child in the background of sadie's freakish rash picture? maybe the it's all hereditary. the rash like alli had, and then when sadie has some hair she'll be a ratty child.

whitney said...

Didn't Alli have some rash like that too?
Love the diaper cream picture, so cute! Funny that we all run for the camera at times like that.
That is exaclty why I have always bought diaper cream with a twist on lid and done it up nice and tight!

LindsayB said...

oops, sorry i didn't even notice. i'm trying to remember if i left any other comments anywhere.

KellyLady said...

Love the diaper cream! Wish I had some great advice on sleeping! Rhett's over 2 and I'm usually still up once a night...hope that's gone by the time this next one gets here!

Jaime said...

Doesn't every mom need a picture like that? I am waiting for mine!
So glad she got over her rash, poor girl!

Alysha Sladek said...

oh my goodness!! poor girl! i hope you can find out what she reacted to. and what a little stinker to get into the cream. gotta love when that happens ;) and i really hope she starts sleeping for you soon.

Alysha Sladek said...
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Mike and Kelly said...

Susie, mads did that with the diaper rash cream only it was all over her whole body... I bet she had the softest face ever. She is a doll and good luck on the sleep.

houseofhud said...

Poor little Sadie. That rash looks bad. Love the diaper cream pictures. I wonder how that tasted?

Ashley Dawn said...

oh NO!!!! That looks like Penaten to. That's the worst one to get out of anything. I had that one spread all over my duvet. I was up until 1 am just scrubbing it out. That rash was horrible. I'm SO sorry that happened. That's super hard when they're covered like that. What a crazy rash....good luck figuring that one out.

Ashley Dawn said...

oh - and for the sleep gotta read the book I swear by. "Healthy Sleep Habits, Healthy Child" It made my life SO happy. Since I implemented it, I very rarely have to get up in the night - period. And that's from about 9 months of age and on. It's a miracle worker.

Mindi said...

I think that's hilarious for her to get into the cream, Jack did the same thing...the rash though, oh my goodness! So sad!

melissa said...

haha! Even if she does have diaper cream all over her face, I agree that she's still super cute! Her poor little rash though.

Oler Family said...

Poor little Sadie! That rash looks so sore! I love that she is getting into things...she looks like she is about to shave..the cream is placed on her face so neatly! So cute!

Nancy said...

Oh her poor rash, what a bummer. Your blog is great. Sadie is beautiful!

The Bullknitter said...

That diaper cream doesn't come off easy!