Your Hair:
Long and Blonde. I’ve always been pretty boring when it comes to my hair. Not too many crazy cuts, or colour jobs. For the most part that is the way I like it. I dread the day when my hair really gets dark (at least in my eyes) and I have to bleach it, if I can I’ll probably deny it.

Where is your cell phone?
Probably in my purse turned off, I suck at using cell phones.
Your Mother:
So great. She is always so generous & fun and makes everything an adventure.
Your Father:
Is really a good man. I’m not the only one that thinks that.
Your Favorite Food:
Well I really like good mashed potatoes. I don’t think I’m too picky probably my favorites are the meals I don’t have to cook.
Your dream from last night:
I don’t always remember my dreams, but I do more so when I’m pregnant and they are weird and intense sometimes.
Your favorite drink:
I like lots of yummy drinks slurpees, pina coladas, daquiris and just good cold jucie.
Your Dream/Goal:
I would call these dreams right now I am doing nothing to come closer to achieving them but maybe will one day. I would like to write (not illustrate) a childrens book and be in a broadway musical.
What room are you in:
the computer room duh
What is your hobby:
ugh there are certain things I enjoy but I don’t know if I stick with them long enough to consider them my hobbies. I like to read, run, take pictures, hike.
What is your fear:
It's not that I don't fear things I just don't really think about them, I guess I hope I never have to face them.
Where were you last night:
home watching t.v going to bed pretty early. But the night before we went out for dinner and to the Transiberian Orchestra. It was such a great show. Who doesn't love a mid week night out.
Something you are not:
Super high matenience or really crafty
Sadie always like it when we make them and then we both eat way too many (but they are the mini muffins)
Where did you grow up:
Good ol Raymond, it was a good life.
Last thing you did:
Ate lunch
What are you wearing:
Jeans and a shirt
Your TV:
Is Kids show by day and PVR by night.
Your pet:
I hope I never own one.
Your friends:
Are amazing! I love all the friends that I have had at each phase of life.
Your life:
Is so great. Really I have nothing to complain about and LOTS to be happy, excited and grateful for
Your Mood:
Decent. A little tired, but house is clean, took Sadie swimming and now she is asleep, ahhh. AND when it gets closer I’ll be excited for a Girls Night Out. I’ll be going to the movies guess which one.
Missing someone:
Explorer feeling like a real family mom
Your Favorite Store:
the ones i go to without Sadie. If i wasn’t so chicken I think online shopping could be a lot of fun too.
Your Favorite Color:
usually pink. or blue
When's the last time you laughed:
Oh when Sadie insisted I blow Ryan a kiss goodbye this morning
Your best friend:
One place you go over and over:
The bathroom for me being preganant, and for Sadie who is just potty trained Yipee!
Not a huge emailer I talk to Lindsay & Allaina frequently though
Allaina sent me this the other day & said it reminded her of Sadie minus the puppet and green what do ya think? She used to watch this show with her little girl.

Favorite place to eat:
I Love trying new places with authentic cuisine. I am always happy to go out for just about anything. My Fav for breakfast/brunch is Cora's.
Where do you want to be in six years:
Hmmm still here probably outnumbered by the children, happy healthy and looking good, feeling good.
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