“The biggest mistake I made as a mother is the one that most of us make. … I did not live in the moment enough. This is particularly clear now that the moment is gone, captured only in photographs. There is one picture of [my three children] sitting in the grass on a quilt in the shadow of the swing set on a summer day, ages six, four, and one. And I wish I could remember what we ate, and what we talked about, and how they sounded, and how they looked when they slept that night. I wish I had not been in such a hurry to get on to the next thing: dinner, bath, book, bed. I wish I had treasured the doing a little more and the getting it done a little less” (Loud and Clear [2004], 10–11).
-Author Anna Quindlen
Today happened to be a pretty good day. I didn't capture too many moments on my camera (which if you know me I do love to do). But together the 2 of us created many unforgettable memories in my mind. First I did go to my 5th ultrasound & STILL don't know what we are having (by our own choice). Sadie played over at the Hudson's. We went to Toys R Us & it totally reminded me of New York where we would spend a good portion of the afternoon in the toy stores there & never once would she want one of the toys, so I think that has stuck she seriously did not ask for any toys just looked and played with them. We were there to get a toy but that is a whole other story I can't even talk about yet. We stopped at the playground where she had so much fun. She played with some of the other kids, & just kept herself busy. Before supper she totally invited me into her little pretend world, it was so fun to see her little imagination go. Pulling out cushions, rowing her boat, saving parrots and turtles, yes it was good times. Had a bath where again a whole other world of play opens up. Yes, she can & does play by herself. Sometimes I like to just listen & watch, sometimes I am forced to join, and sometimes I await the invitation to PLAY!
So it is the end of the day & yes I suppose I "got a little less done" but I don't think I would change a thing.
I really think my mom 'treasured the doing' with all of us kids and for sure I see both her and my dad do it with all their grand kids. So here they are just doing what they should be doing.
So great to hear from you Susie... I loved catching up on your blog. I seriously related to every single thing you wrote about, from the picky eating issues (Jonah has still NEVER tried a fresh piece of fruit or a vegetable. Ever.) to the fear of the unknown with #2 on the way. Reading what like-minded women have to say on the things I'm thinking about is really helpful. Thanks for the boost! :)
Ah you're such a good mama!
I love those moments with Grace where I get to just play with her and enjoy the moment.
The picture of your dad reminded me of my dad. We called them 'tricks' and would love when my dad would lay on the ground and do 'tricks' with us. Maybe Grandpa Steed did it with them when they were little and they grew up and did it with their kids too.
5th U/S? you sound like me ;) I hope everything's ok!!!!
great quote. something that is so true!! thanks for posting it. i've heard it and read it before, but it nice to re-visit it for that reminder. :)
I love it! Enjoy that one-on-one time with Sadie while you can. When another joins the family that one-on-one time gets to be less and less!
So excited to me moving near by. I might be able to meet this little one much sooner now. Glad you are cherishing your moments!
Good stuff Suz. Logan is home for track break and I needed to be reminded about the "doing" a lot!
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