Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Wow shes here

Talia Kay
LOVE her. I've put this off long enough but I need to get a few things down and of course some pictures of this teeny tiny little girl.

Yes, Talia came early... a little too early. I was not quite ready... for it all just yet, but of course thats life and we are adjusting fine. So the story goes my water broke, this has never happened to me, so of course I was in denial and tried to carry on with my day. After talking to Allaina and Lindsay they both informed me I was having a baby and I better pack my bags and go... so I called Ryan he was in shock, but came home and we headed to the hospital. They had to induce me, but not before they let me do laps around the hosptial. I truly tried to get it going on my own and briskly walked around and up and down, but nothing. I did tell every nurse and dr. now that I was here I really wanted to have the baby today, cause hello 11/11/11 how cool is that to be born on. Anyways I got induced and it happened pretty fast, and she was born at 12:18a.m on NOv. 12. I guess I wasn't pushy enough. She is of course so super tiny and we can't get enough of her. We stayed in the hosptial for a few days just to make sure she was good and ready to come home. She was in the NICU for one day, and then did go under the lights for jaundice. She is growing pretty good, so far she is gaining weight and still seems so teeny.

As far as her fitting in in our family she is finding her place. Sadie is a proud big sister who definetly takes on the biggest sister role and thinks she can handle the baby more than she should. She has introduced herself a bazillion times ("Hi I'm Sadie, I'm your big sister, and thats Hannah, and there is your mom"-cute to hear their conversation) and loves to talk to her and hold her hand. Hannah is what i expected. She is interested for minutes or seconds at a time. She says "hi" and waves at her like a bazillion times. She tries to be gentle and touch her head and occasionally squeezes in a kiss, or better yet she loves to blow kisses at her. Sometimes Hannah is still my baby and when she wants me she wants ME, and I am getting good and snuggling 2 at once and suddenly the whole day passes us by. but what could be better right?
Ryan is so happy to be the dad of 3 little girls, after all thats what he thought we'd get, and he thinks it will be easier than boys... He has stepped it up and is happy to take the older 2 and play with them and entertain them, Talia is just too tiny and seems so fragile to him.
I have to laugh at a couple comments he made
" seriously will we ever leave the house with 3 kids" have to admit with Hannah & Talia being so close and more dependent on me it is a little daunting especially in the winter
"ok we have to make sure we do a diaper run through the house every night" you know so we don't miss any.
he was completly serious when said these, it was funny to me anyway.

Can't get over how tiny she is in this and not happy

just to show how much dark hair she has.

We are so lucky to have family and friends around that have helped us out so much. Ryans mom came up on a moments notice and took care of the girls and then my mom came home early from her holiday to help out with my kids, have some baby snuggles and give me many naps.

A few things about Talia
she was 5lbs 3oz, lots of dark hair, skinny little legs, long feet. I think she looks like Hannah
she makes a crazy amount of baby noises, like I've never heard before and she does it almost around the clock, she does look like she has a bit of a tan still, she sleeps a lot, is a decent eater, it is definitely taking some work. she spits up often. she is lucky enough to have a girl cousin, Sage 1 month older and a boy cousin, Oliver 2 months older. For now she is for sure the little runt.


whitney said...

So excited for you guys! I wish I could snuggle her when she is still this tiny, but I bet she is still pretty small when I get to see her at Christmas! It will be a full gno with all these babies!
I'm thinking three girls is probably cuter than three boys but I don't know about easier, I think I win there with three boys! Guess it's good I got the boys and you got the girls!

Life Is Golden said...

So so so cute Susie! That first picture w/ the smirk is d-arling. Congratulations.

Just Rhonda said...

ah we are anxious to see her too!!!!!!

Jordana said...

Congrats Susie, she's adorable and so tiny!! I love hearing how the older siblings react to the baby. Enjoy your sweet little girl!

Kamry Low said...

Congrats! I obviously love her name. Crazy with my talia my water broke as well and had to be induced!!! Must be a talia thing.

McCandless Co. said...

3 girls, how fun! I seriously thought that picture of Talia was Hannah, they really do look a lot alike. Hope you are doing great. Congratulations!

Christy and Brett Bevans said...

I have been waiting for you to put up pics!!!! She is so precious.
3 girls, wow. So fun! They will all be best buds!!
She was so tiny! But so sweet and so cute.

LindsayB said...

love all the pics. i can totally hear ryan saying all those things, haha! can't wait for christmas. sounds like sadie is not quite as overbearing as she was with hannah.

Jaime said...

Hannah all of a sudden looks huge! Congrats on Talia, she is so so teeny, but just perfect.

Brooke said...

Congrats and I can't wait to see her. What a perfect little addition to fam.

Jessica said...

She is so sweet an perfect you definitely have your hands full! Three was a super hard adjustment for me it seemed like I would never get it together but in no time it was easy!

. said...

Congratulations Susie! She is so cute and I love her name!

Lauren Andersen said...

congrats to you and your family! so exciting!

Amelia said...

Congrats Susie!!! She is tiny!!! And darling!