Wednesday, June 9, 2010

one fine day

One day a while back, I was just not feelin it. You know those days just can't get your groove on & get going. Two kids in tow we headed out to do a couple errands and drop something off for Ryan at work. My own husband could see I was just not up to par. I blamed it on the not so great weather. He pretty much said, "well go do something or go home and feel sorry for yourself" Lame. so a little underdressed we bucked up and headed to the exciting world of the zoo. I still didn't have my energy, but I tried to gear myself up for a great time. I got there and fed Hannah in the car and let Sadie climb around in the car. We headed into the zoo and it turns out Sadie was totally into the zoo. Not too suprising since I was being a bum. The zoo did prove to provide loads of entertainment, good ol fresh air, walking, some learning, and sometime with my girls. Sadie seriously loved everything was taking her time looking in every cage and checking all the animals out. After a lot of walking around, I thought great we are both spent so we headed out. I loaded the kids in and went to start my car and ...... wait for it, NOTHING. I realized when Sadie climbed all over the car she turned on my lights and drained the battery. Feeling helpless I called Ryan he pretty much dropped everything and came to our rescue as quick as he could. Apparently we are more important than work, I agree work can wait we can't. We waited Sadie fell asleep, I dreamed of sleep and held Hannah. ahhhh

Not a great picture but, what is hotter than your man coming to your rescue in his suit & tie?

p.s I may fall into another little funk due to the crummy weather, anyone wanna go to the zoo?


Alysha Sladek said...

i'm SO SICK of this nasty weather!!!!!!! GRRRRRRR!!!
I want to go to the zoo. Did you hit the dinosaur part? I'm interested to see if it's any good...
Anyhow, let me know next time you go and hopefully I can make it too

Dorienne said...

YES! I'll go anytime. It was so hard to get in the mood for anything today. The weather is such a bummer.

Em and Tom said...

Don't you just hate feeling "off"? I have had a day like that today. At least i have a trip to look forward too!