Monday, November 26, 2007

Bling Bling Baby

These are just too cute, so I had to share. My friend Abby made these soothers for Sadie, she is into the bling I think these are her first soothers she does mostly cell phones, watches, and she even does shirts for our girl trips. We made up a "brand" JESA Jen, Ellie Susie & Abby. It was our 2nd girls trip we hope there are more but now I have a baby and Ellie has one on the way, soo this makes things a bit tricky. I wish I had a pic of in our shirts we looked pretty hot!

Here is the shirt she did for each of us. I think the pictures must be on the other computer.

Here is the play be play of what Sadie does without her soother.

1st soother down, first reaction don't cry just yet maybe I can get my fist in my mouth hmm might not fit thankfully.

Don't give up try a new angle

Hmm maybe just my thumb
This keeps her content for a bit anyway.

Okay becoming domesticated sure is a process, I realize or Ryan points out some what some of my "job requirements" are.

So here is my sewing project started this quilt Spring break of 06, completed summer 07. not bad eh? They say you learn from your mistakes, if that is true I did a lot of learning while doing this. Maybe learned it will be a while before I attempt a project like this again. Good thing I finished before Sadie was born, i hear it can be difficult to complete with kids. Lindsay??
Also here is my first baking since Sadie.

look pretty good right. Cookies have never been my thing, despite my countless efforts of substandard batches. Anyways i hope these really impress Ryan. Don't worry I threw out the pilsbury wrapper. (i'm not joking).

Here is Sadie being entertained by her fishies.


Alysha Sladek said...

i loooooooove those soothers and the clips!!! i want one too ;) cute t-shirts! and your quilt is darling. good job! i'm impressed with such a long post hehehee

melissa said...

Susie, you are a girl after my own heart...I can't touch flour and therefore am best friends w/ Pillsbury too! Why do it any other way?!

Mindi said...

love the bling! Jack still wont take a soother!

Rashelle said...

Sadie looks so cute with those soothers. I love the picture with her in the little pink outfit. I am impressed with the quilt, I don't think I would even attempt something like that because I know that I would probably never finish it.

LindsayB said...

i suck at baking cookies too, what is with that? i totally made cookies like that last night too. derek was all excited that i baked and asked if cutting the dough was hard, he's known the secret for a while now....
oh ya, i once started a quit to...

whitney said...

The quilt looks great! The key is to do baby quilts, much faster. I can do cookies, but there are lots of deserts I don't even attempt. Like your lemon bars, I wouldn't know where to begin. And I can't make jello. It just never turns out right. I know, pretty pathetic.