Sunday, February 3, 2008

A glimpse at mommies

I am new to the adventures of being a MOM so I decided to share a little glimpse of me so far and want to hear a little about everyone elses mommy lives. I hope I'm not breaking any blog rules/etiquette by making this up myself, but someone has to be "it" first with all these little tag games.

Typical time of wake-up: usually 8:00ish I am still up a few times a night with Sadie too, incase you were wondering

On a good night when you/kids go to sleep: Sadie usually 10:30ish, me depends on the day bout 11:30ish

How long you have been a momma: 4 months 11days feels longer... in a good way

How many times have you been a new mom: 1 Loved it!

How old were you when you became a mom (is this to personal?): 27

Favorite Kids show: hmm I'll be holding out as long as I can, I thought Sesame Street was good
back in the day.

Least Favorite Kids show: I don't know if they even still exist but tele tubbies, just weird, whenever is see the lady with pig tails and the big couch I think oh no please I hope I never watch this with my child

Favorite chore: vacuuming -instant results, bathrooms & I really don't mind laundry

Least favorite chore: this means I probably do these the least mopping and dusting

Meal you cook most often: probably chicken wraps

Kids favorite meal: mammas milk

5 things that make you smile when you are being a mom:
Sadie smiling, laughing, sleeping, I won't lie I like it when friends and strangers tell me she is cute, watching Ryan change Sadie it can be laugh out loud funny

Favorite thing your husband does with your kids: talk to her & she jabbers back

Last time you went out with no kids: Lindsay watched Sadie while I rushed to Toys R Us (I wasn't gone long) Sadie & I pretty much never leave each other. I did go to a matinee with her which was still fun.

If you could take your kids anywhere where would it be: Since Sadie is too little it would be mostly for me I would say somewhere warm- like summer 07 in my moms backyard sounds pretty good right now. We are planning on taking a trip at the end of April to the beaches of Mexico Yeah!

Favorite pastime/activity with kids: going on walks with Sadie (can't wait for it to warm up a bit more, Ryan would prefer I walk outside and not the malls ... me too

1 thing you said you would never do when you were a mom: let my baby sleep in bed (I only did it a couple times. I'm sure there will be more

If you had an afternoon to yourself what would you do? Massage Never cared for them before baby but sounds like a bit of heaven right now

1 thing you do that your mom did & now you do: I remember some of the little songs/rhymes she says & now I do, I'm sure there will be more.

Favorite quality of your own mom: happiest person I know

Favorite kids book: I love you forever

Best advice for a new mom: I think I am to new to really give advice but how about you will never really be ready to be a mom, but you will LOVE it most days!

Scariest or most heartbreaking moment as a mom: i guess 1st night in the hospital with Sadie crying & crying eeeek just me & her all alone welcome to motherhood!

Most joyful moment as a mom: Sadie laying on my chest only seconds old AMAZING little miracle

Last time your child told you they love you: the look on her face after her nap today said it all

Last time you said I love you to your kid: I'm thinking it ALL the time haha, after her nap I did.

Now go tell your kids how great they are give them a big hug & kiss! I think you are all the best moms ever, and are doing a heck of a job!

Without getting to sentimental I have the greatest mom if I am half the mom she is I think I'll be doing great thanks Mom. I love that my mom will always be a mom to me. Love you mom

I tag whoever wants to do this or how about whoever hasn't done this. So basically every mom.

Off to watch the superbowl, anyone else?

Here we are posing at the computer


Susie said...

I hope this isn't to long i kinda had fun doing it.

Alysha Sladek said...

i loved it!! I'm gonna do it too! superbowl?? what's that?? hehe jk. jimmy's watching it right now.

Anonymous said...

Well, sounds like you got yourself quite the little mommy routine. Missed you today, where were you?

Rashelle said...

Cute post! I love sadie's little smile in the last picture.

Just Rhonda said...

Great post!!!! i loved it! I'm gonna do it on mine too!

LindsayB said...

good for you you tag inventor! now i'm going to do this too! i like that watching ryan change her is laugh outloud funny.

kristi Dupont said...

Susie, you're just too cute!
I love it

Mindi said...

Cute idea, I'm sure we'll see this tag floating around now!!

whitney said...

Love the tag! Also love the laugh out loud Ryan changing diapers. Very jealous of Mexico, I'm sure it is a well earned trip for you both.