Does Sadie have a favorite? Well many may know because I tote it around or because it is in many pictures. Sadie has had a favorite blankie for quite sometime. It is a cute one made by a friend of mine, it has a soft fuzzy crotched edge that is perfect to rub up against her face before closing her eyes.
What you may not know is that lately she is obsessed and finds comfort in holding a spoon in her hand. Some my think this is lame, absurd, weird, funny, peculiar that I am writing this. I definitely think it is a little odd. But I'm not kidding she gets the baby death grip on a little plastic spoon and refuses to let go. So since I noticed this I took a few pictures of her in action. You'll see what I'm talking about.
As seen in the pictures its not one particular spoon she is attached to it can usually be changed at meal time. Anyways she is our little spoon girl for now.
On another note the other day I was out doing a few errands with Sadie. As I was approaching the door to leave the building a man rushed over and said, "let me make your life easier." he proceeded to open both doors and let Sadie & I through (I was pushing her in her stroller). I of course thanked him. Then I thought hmmmm what would I really like to make my life easier, it may change daily but today I would choose an in house chef.. how great would that be. What would make your life easier? A maid, nanny, errand runner, taxi, baker, masseuse, or do you love every single aspect of your busy little day and have enough time for it all without losing your cool ever?