Thursday, May 21, 2009

I love baseball too!

Since I met Ryan I have known that he LOVES baseball, it is one of his passions. His parents both love the game, and even played together back in the day. Ryan's dad played on a mens leauge team, so the family spent some summers travelling around to cheer him on. Ryan played it growing up, his summers were devoted to baseball games, practices, and tournaments. I knew this is what I married when we were dating we went to Trappers games in Edmonton. I pretended to love the game but knew I was loving him and the treats more. After we were married he joined a mens team and had one last season of playing the game. I was fun to watch him play and it didn't hurt that the team was really good. They won Nationals that summer. I'm glad they did so well, so he could bid farwell to his days of playing baseball. It was exhausting and time consuming he played a LOT of games and tournaments and of course practices. He loves watching the games on T.V. Of course loves going to the games LIVE. We all had a great time at the game. Ryan would give a better run down of what an amazing game it was. Here is what and how I remember it. Ride on the subway, I was feeling the excitement already. Food at the game ridiculously expensive, but good and all part of the expereience. There were a couple of homeruns hit. There was an in the park home run. Johnny Damon got kicked out of the game. 7th inning stretch was all that I hoped it would be. A -Rod was back & everyone was loving him. Cheering for the Yankees was so so fun. Yankees were down the entire game, but I kept on cheering and holding out hope that they would pull off a win. In the 9th inning they came through, it was awesome. I LOVED it! I was high fiving the strangers in front of us and truly felt like a part of New York!!

Everyone was having a good time and good laughs at the game.

Ryan cheered for the Twins and I cheered for the Yankees. It was amazing I'd do it all over again. Just for the high at the end of the game when the last run was scored and the music starts and Frank Sinatra sings New York, New York I want to be a part of it.... At the start of the game I probably would have said I don't really care who wins, if Twins win Ryan's happy, if Yankees win the home crowd is happy. As long as I'm living here I'm cheering for the Yankees, & I don't care. I think that is why they have so many fans anyway.


lynz said...

that sounds like so much fun! good work on pretending to share ryan's love of baseball and go yankees! i would cheer for them too if i lived there :)

Mindi said...

So fun! Josh would die to go to a Yankees game...I also love them, so good for you!

houseofhud said...

Nice updates! It's been a while since I've been blog hopping so I had a lot to catch up to on your blog!!!

whitney said...

I think it's awesome that you love baseball now! I don't think I could make myself like baseball. Good thing I only have to like basketball and cheer for the Lakers like my life depends on it. Now why is it we have to like baseball and basketball but Brad has yet to watch Twilight with me...
And I am loving your cute bag in the first picture! I am serious, I want you to pick me up something cute if you make your way back to China Town. I'll pay you for it AND bake you the strawberry cake!

Carla McDaniel said...

good for you...Go Yankees!!!!