Friday, November 12, 2010

eeeeks day 2

Day 2 What Stresses You Out!

ahhh stress it is everywhere. Everyone has a little stress & sometimes a lot. How about I share a little bit of my little petty stresses. Not the big huge ones (cause thankfully I don't feel any exist for me right now). Those everyday teeny tiny eat away at you, wish they would go away, definetly won't kill ya, and in a matter of short time may be gone anyway. I'm a believer of sometimes you just got to laugh it off, at yourself, or whatever. A nice long hardy laugh (silent in my case he he) can go a long way and cure a lot. So humor in all things. Anyways

How about the fact that I signed Sadie up for preschool- I'm okay with my kids growing up. But the part that is killing me is the thought that I just COMMITTED myself to get myself, Sadie, & Hannah up and out the door by something like 8:30 am 3 days a week. Don't get me wrong we generally get up around 7:30, but most days we don't HAVE to be anywhere before 9:30, 10 or most days really we run our own schedule so we're pretty much never late. Anyways I am totally CHOOSING to do this. I know most of you are like what the heck, that is some stress. That is exactly what Ryan said umm Sus it's called life. Yeah well the stay a home life has been cushy for me - some might call it Rancho Relaxo.

Ok I HATE dwelling on this but at this particular moment it pretty much consumes my every thought. I am currently STRESSing about babies that don't sleep, namely my own. I'm thinking that if there was a cure for this the world or at least my house would be a better place. Remember a couple a months back I would often refer to Hannah as my 'dream baby' she was perfect, hold her snuggle her, feed her and walaa she would sleep. She slept in the car, in her chair, on the floor, in my arms- when I wanted too, she was so easy. In the night she would sleep n eat thats it. While the times have changed and my little slice of heaven is AWAKE all night long she wakes every hour, she sleeps only when I am holding her. I am DYING here, just surving, yet also trying to train her and make it all right. Sadie was not a great sleeper... I'd argue she topped the charts for worst sleepers for 2007, already its fading and our midnight and wee morning cries are a distant memory. I think this happens to all moms in time we forget the not soo good right? That is why I have 2 kids right?

Stress is when you wake up screaming and you realize you haven't fallen asleep yet.

TO go along with the sleep deprivation here's a little story from a couple weeks ago, that once again gave me a little perspective. The other night as we were cleaning up supper I informed Ryan I was a little low on patience, Sadie had been ridiculous and Hannah just a little needy, and me just a little tired. I thought this was decent of me so he would then excuse my behavior. Then he had the nerve to say "embrace it" he said aren't you always the one saying live in the moment and all that. SO it's true even though I am lacking sleep this to is going to pass. My girls won't be 3 and 6 months forever. I better enjoy it, savour it, and even though it might be easier and more desirable to enjoy this time with a few more zzz's I may just have to hold out for a bit . I guess that's life... my life.

Ok this has totally turned into a rant of sorts, more than stress. I might as well finish & get it out. Lastly is Sadie's eating habits. The kid has the teeniest appetite ever, but also has the smallest repotoire of what she will eat. Seriously she does not eat vegetables ever, she eats meat so so sparingly. What the average person can eat in 2 bites takes her 20, add in the time factor supper time can be a long drawn out painful time for all of us. There are so many things she has yet to even try, but I will keep on trying and really hope that Hannah is not the same. I try not to stress and worry about this too much, but honestly has anyone been admitted to the hospital with scurvy lately?

Yes we all have our stresses, but I think it's what we make of it.

Rule 1. Don't sweat the small stuff.
Rule 2. It's all small stuff.
Rule 3. If you can't fight or flee, then flow.


LindsayB said...

i just busted at the scurvy comment. my kids asked for salad the other night for supper, seconds too. does that make you more stressed when i write that? i wish i could babysit for you while you 'embrace it' and take a nap!

motherofangels said...

You're so funny! and your love for your girls is beautiful!

Jaime said...

Oh Susie, I was hoping Hannah would stay the perfect baby for you. I don't know alot about non-sleeping babies since mine were pretty good, but one thing I think helped was putting a humidifier or fan or something in the room as white noise.

Vegetables are not a big hit around here either, kids OR husband!

Carla McDaniel said...

this was so funny!!! loved it. and yes you are right...stress is everywhere. :)

H and E said...

Ok Blakely's sleep is by far the biggest stress of my life, it has plauged me for so long I sometimes just give up, to take away the stress and say whatever, than I get back on a strict training plan. Who knows what will actually work with these horrible sleepers. I guess I have no words of wisdom just saying I know how you feel! I think stressing over it is worse than the actual no sleep!

Alysha Sladek said...

will and sadie sound like two peas in a pod. the kid hardly touches ANYTHING. will NOT eat meat at all.. it's so frustrating. I keep thinking "this too shall pass" ahaha
good luck with the sleeping. hope that gets better soon.

Jessica said...

I feel your pain my prefect baby has turned into a nightmare too she cries pretty much all day and I can't figure out what her problem. And the only advice I can give about the picky eater is Jackson was well still is the worst eater but when they are a bit older you can have the rule that they have to eat a few bites of everything this does not work on little kids we started it when he was about five and he still takes forever to eat but I feel better because he is eating all food groups and occasionally he finds out he likes something new! It is true that kids grow up fast, but it sure is easier to embrace and enjoy theese moments when you have had a little sleep! Hang in there it will get better.

Brooke said...

I hear on the non-sleeping, but you're worse because at least I can go back to afternoon naps.