Thursday, April 2, 2009


Yeah, not just an overload of Sadie pics and stories, here is some of our life in New York City!

Dancing with some of the locals.

As if we have been here a week already, it has flown by. I don't even know where to begin, I will try to compose a somewhat decent post, but the pictures are what really matter. I am going to try to update this fairly often. I don't want to forget what our life was like here and what we really did everyday, so it may seem a bit journalish at times. But, unlike my Dads journal I hope I don't begin with weather updates. he he.
So far we have done a lot of walking, and exploring in our area. Which has included a couple stops in Time Square, the Rockefeller Centre, Central Park, 5th Ave, Broadway and just walking the busy busy streets.

I am just using the computer we have here and it is a bit annoying to load pictures. Hopefully it doesn't take so long next time. Anyways, I can't change the order or adjust them so this is an 'as is' post.

Sadie & I on the steps at Time Square

Chowing down on some NY pizza

The smart Canadian Geese who are still here where it is warmer than back home.

Sadie acting like she owns every path in Central Park.


Turtles at Turtle Bay

Streets of New York.

Time Square at night.

Everywhere you look there is amazing and tall buildings.

The temple and where we go to church.

Sadie out chasing pigeons in our courtyard.

Strawberry Fields in Central Park.

Museum of Natural History


Museum of Natural History

Rockefeller Center

Harry Potter Lego people

The piano from BIG. Super cool

Playing some blues in the park.

Leaving one of the gazillion playgrounds at Central Park.

Barbie world at Toys R Us.

Riding the Ferris wheel at Toys R Us.

Taking it all in at times Square. Sadie points at EVERYTHING and everyone. Things that especially attract her attention (aka double takes and loooong stares) dogs, pigeons, birds, lights, big buildings, and some of the weird people here.

So far Sadie isn't much of a talker, and when she does she is pretty quiet. Her scream on the other hand is the exact opposite. Anyway I think on day 2 here she added to her small vocabulary; "WOW" That sums up our life here so far. Things are very different adjusting to this big city living but we are enjoying it.


Anonymous said...

oh you guys look so scute and i Love the pic of sadie on the bridge and all her little hats and the random music people how fun!

whitney said...

I love it! Keep the pics and stories coming! I am living vicariously though you!

lynz said...

i can't believe that you are in new york doing what you're doing! just chillin in time square and fun! sounds like you're livin it up down there, and i can't wait for more pictures and stories from the big apple :)

LindsayB said...

times square at night? night at the museum place? barbie world? THE BIG PIANO? wait for meeeeeeeee.

The Bullknitter said...

More central park pics, please. That's the one thing I wanted to see and didn't.

Lyndsey said...

Wow!! It looks/sounds like you're having such a great time. What a perfect time to be living in NYC - Sadie is such a great age. I can't wait to see more pictures and don't forget to tell us about the shopping!! You are going to have some major scrapbooking/storybooking to do when you get home, hey?!

Melanie said...

oh, I am so jealous, I love all of the pictures, keep them coming. I am glad you are enjoying it!

Jaime said...

Looks like so much fun, you'll never want to come back home! Who knew there was such thing as Barbie World?

Mindi said...

Soak it all in! Pretty soon you will be packing and crying and having to come home! But it looks so fun! That's awesome!

Alysha Sladek said...

oh my goodness! thank you for posting those (and keep it up!) i can only imagine how wonderful it is!

Jessica said...

I love that city it is amazing the pictures dont do it justice. you re so lucky to have so much time to explore it.

Brittany said...

how fun...i want to visit there someday and probably all I'll say is wow. I can't beleive the temple is smack dab in the middle of everything. How much fun is that to be there. There really is a barbie world. have fun on all your adventures, I'm jsut a little bit jealous back home

Jacklyn said...

I love it and please keep the post's comin we can all live through you!!

houseofhud said...

Wow is right! As if you have done all that stuff already in a week. I thought Ryan was "working" there!

Oler Family said...

Oh man! What an experience! It looks like such an amazing place! I loved all the pictures!

Candice said...

Keep the pictures coming, I'll be checking to see how life in the BIG city it. Looks like you are having the time of your life. :-)